founded in 2011
Gloucester Brewery was founded in 2011 on a love of beer and a vision for creative, sustainable brewing.
Natural ingredients are the foundation of our beers from the timeless Gloucester Gold to our new IPAs meaning they don’t just taste great you can feel good about drinking them too.
From this point onwards production steadily increased with the brewery winning numerous awards for the quality of its beer and demand continuing to outstrip supply.
This new site was large enough for us to expand production and open our own taproom and bigger bottle store on site as well as transform the old brewery into our very first bar TANK.
Session IPA (4.5%), American Pale Ale (6.4%) and Imperial Stout (9%) have all been national award winners with Imperial Stout being named overall National SIBA cask beer champion 2019.
We started out only producing traditional cask conditioned beers, but now many of the beers are also in keg and are often brewed ‘unfined’ meaning they pour with a natural haze and are suitable for vegans.
The barley is soaked in warm water, mimicking natural conditions for germination. The barley kernel then becomes active and gets ready to release sugars.
Barley + Water + Heat = Malt (Potential Sugar)
We mix the malted barley with hot water to release the natural sugars in the barley. This sugary solution is called wort, which the yeast will use later as a food source.
Malt (Potential Sugar) + Water + Heat = Wort (Actual Sugar)
We boil the wort to sterilise it, to caramelise the sugars to give more body to the beer. We also add hops to make the beer bitter and to provide extra flavour.
Wort + Boiling + Hops = Bitter Wort
We chill the boiled wort as quickly as possible with a heat exchanger.
This helps stabilise the final beer and minimise infection risk. Re-heat water ready for next brew.
We add our yeast to ferment the beer. Yeast uses the sugars derived from the barley as a food source and in return gives us alcohol as well as many important flavour compounds.
Wort + Yeast + Time = Beer
Dry Hopping
With many of our beers we add extra hops after fermentation has finished. This adds a huge amount of aroma to the beer without adding any extra bitterness.
Beer + Hops + Time = Delicious Aromatic Beer
We then put our beer into cask, keg, bottle or can. All our beers are packaged live which means there is a small amount of yeast still in the beer which will continue to ferment and provide natural carbonation to the beer.
Beer + Time = Naturally Carbonated Beer.